
Chemical formula:


Lattice type:


How to grow:

Bridgman furnace

Magnetic model:

S=1 easy plane quantum paramagnet on a triangular lattice

Why is it cool:

A model material for studying "magnon condensation" problems in the presence of frustration


Cesium iron chloride is a remarkable material. The iron ions with S=1 are dominated by the easy plane anisotropy and despite the presence of antiferromagnetic couplings between them the magnet remains gapped and quantum disordered down to T=0. Interestingly, the couplings are strong enough to create a magnetic state at finite temperature for an isostructural material with Cs replaced by Rb. This opens up a possibility to study a continuous magnetic phase transition, induced by the variation of sample's chemical composition.  Plus, this story is taking place on a frustrated triangular lattice!

XFeCl3 spectra
Evolution of magnetic spectra in Cs/RbFeCl3 across the composition-induced quantum critical point.

S. Hayashida, L. Stoppel, Z. Yan, S. Gvasaliya, A. Podlesnyak, and A. Zheludev, Chemical composition induced quantum phase transition in Cs1−xRbxFeCl3, external pagearXiv:1904.13069, external pagePhys. Rev. B 99, 2244 (2019) (Editors' Suggestion)

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